Places And Items That Are Often Forgotten When Cleaning The House

Places And Items That Are Often Forgotten When Cleaning The House - Ronies30

There are several areas and items that are often forgotten when cleaning the house, but there are also areas and items that need attention, such as:

Bottom of Furniture

Cleaning the house is an important task to keep the house clean, such as sweeping, mopping and tidying the floor.

When you enter a room, you immediately see what needs to be cleaned. For example, in the bathroom there is a pile of dirty laundry, and the sink is full of dirty dishes and utensils.

But after cleaning up the obvious things, do you pay attention to the rest of the room? In fact, many areas and items are often forgotten when cleaning the house, even though there are some that receive more attention.

If you look under the bed or sofa, you will see a lot of dust. Luckily, these can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or dust mop.

But have you ever taken the time to look at the bottom of your furniture? You'll be amazed at the selection of bed frames, chair bases, table supports, and more.

Use a vacuum cleaner or duster at least twice a year to remove dust, dirt, spider webs and eggs.

Walls and Baseboards

Walls are also often places and objects that are forgotten when cleaning the house, and vertical and horizontal surfaces can collect dust and dirt.

Open the curtains and blinds, turn on all the lights, and you'll be amazed at how smooth your walls look. Textured wallpaper collects more dust. Start cleaning walls and wallpaper from the top and work your way down using a duster that can catch particles.

Finally, clean dirt and debris around light switches and door handles.

Finish cleaning the walls, paying attention to the baseboards. These small shelves can collect a lot of dust.

Cabinet Tops, Doors, and Picture Frames

In rooms with high humidity, such as kitchens and bathrooms, it is best to wipe the baseboards with a damp cloth, because the humidity can cause dust to become dirt and stick to the surface. We tend to ignore things that are beyond our field of vision, such as peaks. In fact, these are the areas and items that are often forgotten when cleaning the house.

Clean the tops of door frames, kitchen cupboards, tall cupboards, picture frames and ceiling corners regularly.

While you're there, also check the lighting and ceiling fans. A disposable duster with an extendable handle is a great tool for collecting dust and cobwebs. If you don't have one, use a clean microfiber cloth and attach it to the broom or mop handle with a rubber band.

Air Filters and Ventilation

One area and item that is often forgotten when cleaning your next house is the air filter and exhaust fan. If your home has central heating or air conditioning, there are air ducts that connect the system to each room in your home.

The processed hot or cold air exits the vent and returns to the ventilation system.

If the air returning to the system is not filtered to capture dust and pollen particles, they will be blown back into your living space. There are many types of filters, ranging from very expensive HEPA filters to cheap mesh filters. Whatever type you use, the filter must be replaced or cleaned to be effective.

When replacing the filter, take the time to clean the ventilation grille. You will be able to breathe easier and there will be less dust everywhere.

Additionally, be sure to thoroughly clean the filter and drain hole on the single window unit. Determining when your closet needs cleaning is easy. Clothes shake, shelves pile up, and things fall when you open the door.

Wardrobe Floor

But when was the last time you really cleaned your wardrobe, including the floors? Your closet floor, especially if it is carpeted, can be dusty and dirty due to dirt brought in from outside with your shoes. It might stick.

Carpets are a breeding ground for mold and insects such as beetles which can eat away at your favorite clothes. At least every season, take all your clothes out of the closet and clean your room thoroughly.

This is also a good time to get rid of things you don't really need, donate them, and store the rest properly.

Vacuum Cleaners and Cleaning Tools

A dirty vacuum cleaner, like a vacuum cleaner, will only spread dirt as you use it. Of course, making cleaning supplies is one of the things that is often forgotten when cleaning the house.

Of course, empty trash containers or vacuum disposable bags. However, mugs should be washed and cleaned thoroughly every month. Most products can be washed in hot soapy water and dried.

You may also need to clean or replace the filter. Check the rotating rod or brush to remove tangled threads or hair. You will get better cleaning results and less dust. All mop heads and scrub brushes should be cleaned with hot water and disinfectant detergent after use. Make sure the sponge is dry after use.

Foliage Plants

One place and item that is often forgotten when cleaning the house is ornamental plants. Both real and artificial houseplants can collect a lot of dust.

Take each plant outside and water the leaves. If the plant is too heavy to move, wipe each leaf individually with a microfiber cloth or disposable duster.

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